Build Input File Cannot Be Found: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing This Pesky Error!
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Build Input File Cannot Be Found: The Ultimate Guide to Fixing This Pesky Error!

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Are you tired of seeing the dreaded “Build input file cannot be found: Did you forget to declare this file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule which produces it?” error in your Xcode project? Worry not, dear developer, for you’ve come to the right place! In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of Xcode’s build process, explore the reasons behind this error, and provide you with step-by-step instructions to fix it once and for all.

What’s Causing the Error?

Before we dive into the solution, let’s understand what’s causing this error in the first place. When you see this error, it usually means that Xcode is unable to find a specific file that’s required for the build process. This file might be generated by a script or a custom build rule, but Xcode isn’t aware of its existence.

Common Scenarios That Lead to This Error

  • Forgot to declare the output file in the script phase or custom build rule.
  • The file is generated by a script or build rule, but its path is incorrect.
  • The file is being generated in a different location than expected.
  • Xcode’s build settings are not properly configured.

Step-by-Step Solution to Fix the Error

Now that we’ve identified the possible causes, let’s get to the solution! Follow these steps to resolve the “Build input file cannot be found” error:

Step 1: Check Your Script Phases and Custom Build Rules

In your Xcode project, go to the target’s Build Phases tab and review your script phases and custom build rules.

Targets > [Your Target] > Build Phases

Make sure that the script phase or custom build rule that generates the missing file is correctly configured.

Step 2: Declare the Output File

In the script phase or custom build rule, declare the output file by adding the following line:


Replace ${BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.txt with the actual path and name of the file that’s being generated.

Step 3: Verify the File Path

Double-check that the file path is correct and the file is being generated in the expected location.


Make sure that the file is being generated in the ${BUILD_DIR} directory and has the correct name.

Step 4: Configure Xcode’s Build Settings

In your Xcode project, go to the target’s Build Settings tab and review the following settings:

Targets > [Your Target] > Build Settings

Make sure that the following settings are correctly configured:

Setting Description
Derived Data Location The location where Xcode stores intermediate build files.
Intermediate Build Files Path The path where Xcode stores intermediate build files.
Output Files Directory The directory where the output files are generated.

Step 5: Clean and Rebuild Your Project

Finally, clean and rebuild your project to ensure that Xcode regenerates the missing file.

Product > Clean
Product > Build

That’s it! If you’ve followed these steps correctly, the “Build input file cannot be found” error should be resolved.

Troubleshooting Tips and Tricks

If you’re still experiencing issues, try the following troubleshooting tips and tricks:

  • Check the Xcode console output for any errors or warnings related to the missing file.
  • Verify that the script phase or custom build rule is being executed correctly.
  • Check the file system permissions to ensure that Xcode has access to the generated file.
  • Try deleting the derived data and rebuilding the project.
  • Review the project’s build settings and script phases to ensure that there are no typos or incorrect paths.


The “Build input file cannot be found” error can be frustrating, but it’s usually a simple fix. By following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to resolve the issue and get your project building again. Remember to double-check your script phases, custom build rules, and Xcode’s build settings to ensure that everything is correctly configured. Happy coding!

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Frequently Asked Question

Xcode can be finicky sometimes, and we’re here to help you troubleshoot that pesky error message!

What does the error message “Build input file cannot be found” even mean?

This error message typically occurs when Xcode can’t find a file that’s required for building your project. It’s like trying to make a cake without flour – it just won’t work! The file is usually generated by a script or custom build rule, but Xcode doesn’t know about it. Don’t worry, we’ve got some solutions for you!

Why do I need to declare the file as an output of a script phase or custom build rule?

Declaring the file as an output tells Xcode that this file is generated during the build process and is required for the next steps. Think of it like giving Xcode a heads-up that this file will be generated, so it should wait for it before moving on. By declaring the output, you’re helping Xcode understand the build process better, and it’ll reduce the chances of this error occurring.

How do I declare the file as an output of a script phase?

Easy peasy! In your target’s Build Phases, click on the script phase that generates the file. Then, click on the “+”

icon at the top-right corner of the “Input Files” or “Output Files” section, and add the path to your generated file. This tells Xcode that the script phase produces this file, and it should wait for it to be generated before continuing.

What if I’m using a custom build rule to generate the file?

In that case, you’ll need to add the output file to the “Outputs” section of your custom build rule. This is usually done by specifying the output file’s path as a variable, like $(OUTPUT_PATH)/myoutputfile.txt. By doing so, Xcode will know that the custom build rule generates this file, and it’ll wait for it to be generated before moving on.

What if I’ve done all of the above, but I still get the error message?

Don’t worry, friend! Sometimes, Xcode just needs a little nudge. Try cleaning your project (Shift + Command + K), then rebuild your project. If that doesn’t work, try deleting the DerivedData folder and restarting Xcode. If you’re still stuck, feel free to share more details about your project, and we’ll do our best to help you out!

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