The Mysterious Case of App Crashes: Removing a UIView from Superview in Swift
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The Mysterious Case of App Crashes: Removing a UIView from Superview in Swift

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Have you ever encountered an app crash while removing a UIView from its superview, especially when your app comes back from the background to the foreground? If so, you’re not alone! This pesky issue has been plaguing iOS developers for a while, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to dive into the depths of this problem and emerge victorious on the other side.

What’s causing the crash?

To understand what’s going on, let’s first examine the scenario: your app is running in the foreground, and you’ve added a UIView to the view hierarchy. Later, when the app is sent to the background and then brought back to the foreground, you attempt to remove the UIView from its superview. Suddenly, your app crashes with an uncaught exception.

The reason behind this crash lies in the way iOS handles views and their retain cycles. When a view is added to the view hierarchy, it’s retained by its superview. When you remove the view from its superview, the view is released, and its retain count decreases. However, if there are other strong references to the view, it won’t be deallocated immediately.

In our specific case, when the app is sent to the background, the system takes a snapshot of the current view hierarchy. This snapshot is used to quickly restore the app’s UI when it’s brought back to the foreground. The problem arises when you try to remove a view from its superview while the snapshot is still present in memory. The system gets confused, and the app crashes.

Solutions and Workarounds

Fear not, dear reader, for we have several solutions and workarounds to overcome this hurdle:

  • Delay the view removal: One approach is to delay the removal of the view from its superview until the app has fully transitioned back to the foreground. You can achieve this by using a timer or a dispatch_async call to schedule the view removal on the main thread.
  • Remove the view in viewWillDisappear: Another approach is to remove the view in the viewWillDisappear method of your view controller. This method is called when the view controller is about to disappear, which ensures that the view is removed before the snapshot is taken.
  • Use a weak reference to the view: You can create a weak reference to the view and use that reference to remove the view from its superview. This way, even if the view is still retained by the snapshot, the weak reference will be nil when the view is deallocated.
  • Disable the snapshot: In some cases, you might be able to disable the snapshot altogether by setting thenapshot` property on your view controller’s view to false. However, this should be done with caution, as it can affect the performance of your app.

// Delay the view removal using a timer
let timer = Timer.scheduledTimer(timeInterval: 0.1, target: self, selector: #selector(removeView), userInfo: nil, repeats: false)

// Remove the view in viewWillDisappear
override func viewWillDisappear(_ animated: Bool) {

// Use a weak reference to the view
weak var myWeakView: UIView?

// Disable the snapshot (use with caution)
override func viewDidLoad() {
    view.snapshot = false

Best Practices to Avoid App Crashes

To avoid app crashes when removing a UIView from its superview, follow these best practices:

  1. Always remove views from their superviews in the main thread: Make sure to remove views from their superviews on the main thread to avoid any concurrency issues.
  2. Use a weak reference to the view: Create a weak reference to the view to ensure that it’s not retained unnecessarily.
  3. Avoid strong references to views: Avoid creating strong references to views, especially if you plan to remove them from their superviews.
  4. Test your app thoroughly: Test your app in different scenarios, including when it’s sent to the background and brought back to the foreground.


In conclusion, removing a UIView from its superview while the app is transitioning from the background to the foreground can be a delicate operation. By understanding the underlying causes of the crash and following the solutions and best practices outlined in this article, you can ensure a seamless user experience and avoid those pesky app crashes.

Solution Pros Cons
Delay the view removal Easy to implement, ensures the app is fully transitioned to the foreground Can introduce a noticeable delay, might not work in all scenarios
Remove the view in viewWillDisappear Ensures the view is removed before the snapshot is taken, easy to implement Only works in certain scenarios, might not be applicable to all use cases
Use a weak reference to the view Ensures the view is not retained unnecessarily, easy to implement Requires careful memory management, might not work in all scenarios
Disable the snapshot Ensures the snapshot is not taken, easy to implement Can affect the performance of your app, should be used with caution

By following these guidelines and being mindful of the potential pitfalls, you can create a robust and stable iOS app that delights your users and keeps them coming back for more.

Frequently Asked Question

Stumbling upon an app crash when removing a UIView from its superview while transitioning from background to foreground in Swift can be frustrating. Worry not, folks! We’ve got you covered with the most frequently asked questions and answers to get your app back on track.

Q1: Why does my app crash when removing a UIView from its superview when coming from background to foreground?

This crash typically occurs due to a timing issue, where the UIView is being removed from its superview while the app is still in the process of reloading its UI from the background. To avoid this, ensure that you’re removing the UIView on the main thread, and consider delaying the removal until the app has fully transitioned to the foreground.

Q2: How can I identify the root cause of the app crash when removing a UIView from its superview?

Enable Zombie Objects in your Xcode scheme to help identify the root cause of the crash. This will allow you to see which object is being accessed after it’s been deallocated. Additionally, review your code to ensure that you’re not referencing the UIView or its superview after they’ve been removed.

Q3: What’s the best way to remove a UIView from its superview when the app comes from background to foreground in Swift?

Use DispatchQueue.main.async to remove the UIView from its superview, ensuring that the removal occurs on the main thread. You can also use the UIApplicationDelegate method applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) to detect when the app is transitioning from background to foreground, and remove the UIView at that time.

Q4: Can I use viewWillDisappear(_:) or viewDidDisappear(_:) to remove a UIView from its superview when the app comes from background to foreground?

No, these view lifecycle methods are not suitable for removing a UIView from its superview when the app comes from background to foreground. These methods are related to the view controller’s lifecycle, not the app’s transition from background to foreground. Instead, use the UIApplicationDelegate method applicationWillEnterForeground(_:) as mentioned earlier.

Q5: What are some additional best practices to avoid app crashes when removing a UIView from its superview?

Always ensure that you’re removing the UIView on the main thread, and consider using a weak reference to the UIView to avoid retain cycles. Additionally, review your code for any potential race conditions or concurrency issues that could lead to app crashes. By following these best practices, you can minimize the risk of app crashes when removing a UIView from its superview.

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