I Want to Make Cookiecutter Conditional Prompting: A Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring Cookiecutter.json File
Image by Jonn - hkhazo.biz.id

I Want to Make Cookiecutter Conditional Prompting: A Step-by-Step Guide to Configuring Cookiecutter.json File

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Are you tired of manually configuring your project templates with Cookiecutter? Do you wish you could make the process more dynamic and conditional? Well, you’re in luck! In this article, we’ll show you how to create conditional prompting in Cookiecutter by configuring the cookiecutter.json file.

What is Conditional Prompting?

Conditional prompting is a feature in Cookiecutter that allows you to dynamically generate project templates based on user input. It enables you to create complex and customized project structures with ease. By adding conditional logic to your cookiecutter.json file, you can prompt users for specific information and then use that information to generate the project template.

Why Use Conditional Prompting?

There are several benefits to using conditional prompting in Cookiecutter:

  • Increased flexibility: Conditional prompting allows you to create highly customized project templates that cater to specific use cases.

  • Improved user experience: By dynamically generating project templates, you can provide users with a more streamlined and efficient experience.

  • Reduced manual effort: Conditional prompting eliminates the need for manual configuration, saving you time and effort.

Configuring the Cookiecutter.json File

The cookiecutter.json file is the heart of Cookiecutter’s conditional prompting feature. It’s a JSON file that contains the configuration for your project template. To create conditional prompting, you’ll need to add specific keys and values to this file.

Understanding the Cookiecutter.json File Structure

The cookiecutter.json file consists of several key-value pairs that define the project template’s configuration. The file is divided into several sections, including:

  • default_context: This section defines the default values for your project template.

  • template: This section defines the template files and directories for your project.

  • prompts: This section defines the prompts that will be displayed to the user.

Adding Conditional Logic to the Cookiecutter.json File

To add conditional logic to the cookiecutter.json file, you’ll need to use the condition key. This key allows you to specify a condition that must be met before a particular prompt is displayed or a template file is generated.

  "prompts": {
    "project_name": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "My Project",
      "condition": "project_type == 'web'"

In this example, the project_name prompt will only be displayed if the user selects “web” as the project type.

Nested Conditional Logic

You can also use nested conditional logic to create more complex prompts. For example:

  "prompts": {
    "project_type": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "web",
      "condition": "true"
    "project_name": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "My Project",
      "condition": "project_type == 'web' && project_sub_type == 'react'"
    "project_sub_type": {
      "type": "string",
      "default": "react",
      "condition": "project_type == 'web'"

In this example, the project_name prompt will only be displayed if the user selects “web” as the project type and “react” as the project sub-type.

Example Use Cases

Here are some example use cases for conditional prompting in Cookiecutter:

Dynamic Project Structure

Imagine you’re creating a project template for a web application. You want to create a dynamic project structure based on the user’s input. You can use conditional prompting to create different directories and files based on the user’s selection.

  "template": {
    "src": {
      "condition": "project_type == 'web'",
      "files": ["{{ project_name }}.js", "index.html"]
    "test": {
      "condition": "project_type == 'web' && project_sub_type == 'react'",
      "files": ["{{ project_name }}.test.js"]

In this example, the src directory will only be created if the user selects “web” as the project type. The test directory will only be created if the user selects “web” as the project type and “react” as the project sub-type.

Conditional Prompting for Specific Features

Imagine you’re creating a project template for a machine learning model. You want to prompt the user for specific features, such as data preprocesssing or model optimization. You can use conditional prompting to create prompts that are relevant to the user’s selection.

  "prompts": {
    "data_processing": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false,
      "condition": "project_type == 'machine_learning'"
    "model_optimization": {
      "type": "boolean",
      "default": false,
      "condition": "project_type == 'machine_learning' && data_processing == true"

In this example, the data_processing prompt will only be displayed if the user selects “machine_learning” as the project type. The model_optimization prompt will only be displayed if the user selects “machine_learning” as the project type and selects “true” for data processing.


Conditional prompting is a powerful feature in Cookiecutter that allows you to create highly customized project templates with ease. By adding conditional logic to your cookiecutter.json file, you can dynamically generate project templates based on user input. With this feature, you can create project templates that cater to specific use cases, reducing manual effort and improving the user experience.

We hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to creating conditional prompting in Cookiecutter. With these instructions, you can create project templates that are more flexible, efficient, and user-friendly.

Keyword Explanation
conditional prompting A feature in Cookiecutter that allows you to dynamically generate project templates based on user input.
cookiecutter.json file A JSON file that contains the configuration for your project template.
condition key A key in the cookiecutter.json file that allows you to specify a condition that must be met before a particular prompt is displayed or a template file is generated.

Remember: Conditional prompting is a powerful feature that requires careful planning and implementation. Make sure to test your project templates thoroughly to ensure that they work as expected.

Get Started: Try creating your own conditional prompting project template today! Experiment with different conditions and prompts to see how you can customize your project templates to suit your needs.

Here are 5 Questions and Answers about “I want to make cookicutter conditional propmting cookiecutter.json file” in a creative voice and tone:

Frequently Asked Question

Get the lowdown on creating cookicutter conditional prompts in your cookiecutter.json file!

How do I create a conditional prompt in my cookiecutter.json file?

Easy peasy! To create a conditional prompt, you can use the `if` statement in your cookiecutter.json file. For example, you can use `if some_condition: prompt(“Some question?”, default=”some_default”)` to prompt the user for input only if `some_condition` is true.

Can I use variables in my conditional prompts?

Absolutely! You can use variables in your conditional prompts to make them more dynamic. For example, you can use `if {{ some_variable }}: prompt(“Some question?”, default=”some_default”)` to prompt the user for input only if the `some_variable` is true.

How do I use multiple conditions in my conditional prompt?

No problem! You can use multiple conditions in your conditional prompt by using the `and` or `or` operators. For example, you can use `if {{ some_condition }} and {{ another_condition }}: prompt(“Some question?”, default=”some_default”)` to prompt the user for input only if both `some_condition` and `another_condition` are true.

Can I nest conditional prompts in my cookiecutter.json file?

Yes, you can! You can nest conditional prompts to create more complex logic in your cookiecutter.json file. For example, you can use `if {{ some_condition }}: if {{ another_condition }}: prompt(“Some question?”, default=”some_default”)` to prompt the user for input only if `some_condition` is true and `another_condition` is also true.

Are there any best practices for writing conditional prompts in cookiecutter.json files?

Yes, there are! Some best practices for writing conditional prompts in cookiecutter.json files include using clear and concise variable names, keeping your conditions simple and easy to read, and testing your prompts thoroughly to ensure they work as expected.